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Most modding can be done using the Filemaker. It is a script parser that allows you to: Unpack/pack files, Convert Maya files to Game files, Automatically create dds textures, Make font textures etc.
It has a very simple gui, because the batch scripts it uses contain all relevant information.


The default location for the filemaker is:

C:/Users/[Your Name]/AppData/Local/X Moon Productions/XStoryPlayer 3/filemaker/filemaker.exe


The filemaker can be started using startup parameters e.g.:

filemaker.exe -path "C:/Users/[Your Name]/AppData/Local/X Moon Productions/XStoryPlayer 3/filemaker/" -start "start.ini" -width 400 -height 300

The startup parameters are:

  • -path: The startup path
  • -start: The name of the start.ini file that contains the batch script code
  • -width: width of filemaker window
  • -height: height of filemaker window