Unpacking/packing packs

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Most modding can be done using the Filemaker.

It is a script parser that allows you to: Unpack/pack files, Convert Maya files to Game files, Create dds, font textures etc.

It has a very simple gui.

For now we will use it to unpack a pack file.

Pack files

As you may have noticed the pack directory contains several pack files.

Each pack file results in an story or fastsex element in the story menu and fastsex menu.

We can also use pack directories. A pack directory is an unpacked pack file. It contains all the files from the pack file.

If a pack directory is placed in the ./pack location it works the same as a pack file. But now you can easily edit all files.


1. Goto the ./filemaker directory and open the 'start.ini' file. The start.ini file contains the script code that is parsed when running the filemaker.exe
