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The 'settings.ini' file contains all the settings that are custom for your installed version.

Registry: The registry is not used for any settings, all the settings are in the settings.ini file.

Reset settings: If you have issues starting XStoryPlayer after changing settings: Simply removing the settings.ini and start XStoryPlayer. It will create a new settings.ini with default settings.

Settings menu: Most settings in the settings.ini can be changed using the settings menu in XStoryPlayer.

Here is an overview of all the settings with a more detailed description:

// Game settings
  fovy          = 60.0; // The fovy used for player
  feedback      = true; // If feedback bubble is shown
  cursor_scroll = true; // If player scrolls when cursor is near edge of window
  auto_speed    = true; // If player automatically reduces speed when looking down
  save          = "save/save_td_nerd_0.dat";       // The active savepoint for the story
  fast          = "save/save_dungeon_saiko_0.dat"; // The active savepoint for the fastsex 
  rendermode   = OPENGL; // Can be 'OPENGL' or 'DIRECTX', it is the Graphics lib used for rendering
  xpos         = 0;      // X-pos of the window (only used if window = true)
  ypos         = 0;      // Y-pos of the window (only used if window = true)
  width        = 0;      // Width of the window (if window = true) or screen resolution width (if window = false), 0 uses current screen width
  height       = 0;      // Height of the window (if window = true) or screen resolution height (if window = false), 0 uses current screen height
  antialiasing = 8;      // Desired anti-aliasing (keep low for slow graphics cards)
  vsync        = true;   // If vertical-sync is requested (disable for older monitors)
  window       = true;   // If displayed in a window. Especially DirectX runs much faster when window = false
  cursor       = false;  // If windows cursor is shown. Allows for using on-screen keyboard for people with physical disabilities
  brightness   = 100;    // Brightness of display
  stereoscopic = false;  // Some stereoscopic displays require this to work. If you use e.g. NVidia stereoscopic mode then enable this setting
  quality      = 4;      // Overall display quality, overrides other display settings. So antialiasing = 8 and quality = 1, still sets antialiasing to 0
  volume = 100; // Sound volume
  command[TOGGLEMODE]    = [CONTROL];      // Key  for toggling between Move and interactive mode
  command[TOGGLEMODE2]   = [MIDDLE-MOUSE]; // Key2 for toggling between Move and interactive mode
  command[SHOWHELP]      = [F1];           // Key for toggling between Move and interactive mode
  command[TOGGLEOR]      = [F8];
  command[GOTOCITY]      = [F2];
  command[SHOWSAVE]      = [F4];
  command[SHOWTALK]      = [ENTER];
  command[HIDETALK]      = [ENTER];
  command[MOVEFORWARD]   = [LEFT-MOUSE];
  command[MOVEFORWARD2]  = [UP-KEY];
  command[MOVEFORWARD3]  = [W];
  command[MOVEBACKWARD2] = [DOWN-KEY];
  command[MOVEBACKWARD3] = [S];
  command[MOVELEFT]      = [LEFT-KEY];
  command[MOVELEFT2]     = [A];
  command[MOVERIGHT]     = [RIGHT-KEY];
  command[MOVERIGHT2]    = [D];
  command[RUN]           = [SHIFT];
  command[JUMP]          = [SPACE];
  command[CROUCH]        = [C];
  command[RISE]          = [V];
  command[PENIS]         = [P];
  command[CUM]           = [1];
  command[PEE]           = [2];
  command[FLUID1]        = [3];
  command[FLUID2]        = [4];
  command[FLUID3]        = [5];
  command[FLUID4]        = [6];
  command[FLUID5]        = [7];
  command[FLUID6]        = [8];
  command[FLUID7]        = [9];
  command[FLUID8]        = [0];
  command[CAMERAPREV]    = [Z];
  command[CAMERANEXT]    = [X];
  command[PICKUPOBJ]     = [LEFT-MOUSE];
  command[PICKUPOBJ2]    = [E];
  command[DROPOBJ2]      = [E];
  command[USEOBJ]        = [U];
  command[USEOBJ2]       = [I];
  command[USEOBJ3]       = [O];
  command[ROTATEOBJ]     = [LEFT-MOUSE];
  command[ROTATEOBJ2]    = [RIGHT-MOUSE];
  command[PUSHOBJ]       = [UP-KEY];
  command[PULLOBJ]       = [DOWN-KEY];
  command[LEAVE]         = [BACKSPACE];
  command[CONTINUE]      = [ENTER];
  command[CONTINUE2]     = [SPACE];
  command[EXIT]          = [F9];
  speed     = 100;
  reverse_y = false;
  quality = 2.00;
  use_pos = false;
  start_mode   = MAIN;
  debug_sys    = BASIC;
  debug_render = NONE;
  debug_phys   = NONE;
  debug_brain  = ENABLED;
  pack0        = "pack/pack0.bin";
  pack2        = "";
  save_key     = "";
#define VIDEO_PATH "video"
#define FAST_NAME "master"