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The 'settings.ini' file contains all the settings that are custom for your installed version.


The windows registry is not used for any settings, all the settings are in the settings.ini file.

Reset settings

If you have issues starting XStoryPlayer after changing settings: Simply removing the settings.ini file and start XStoryPlayer. It will create a new settings.ini file with default settings.

Changing settings

Most settings in the settings.ini can be changed using the settings menu in XStoryPlayer.

Other settings can be changed using a text editor. To do this open the settings.ini file and edit it.
Make sure you do not make typing or other errors, so always make a backup of the settings.ini file before editing!

Settings overview

Here is an overview of all the settings with a more detailed description:

// Game settings
  fovy          = 60.0; // The fovy used for player
  feedback      = true; // If feedback bubble is shown
  cursor_scroll = true; // If player scrolls when cursor is near edge of window
  auto_speed    = true; // If player automatically reduces speed when looking down
  save          = "save/save_td_nerd.dat";       // The active savepoint for the story
  fast          = "save/save_dungeon_saiko.dat"; // The active savepoint for the fastsex 
// Display settings
  rendermode   = OPENGL; // Can be 'OPENGL' or 'DIRECTX', it is the Graphics lib used for rendering
  xpos         = 0;      // X-pos of the window (only used if window = true)
  ypos         = 0;      // Y-pos of the window (only used if window = true)
  width        = 0;      // Width of the window (if window = true) or screen resolution width (if window = false), 0 uses current screen width
  height       = 0;      // Height of the window (if window = true) or screen resolution height (if window = false), 0 uses current screen height
  antialiasing = 8;      // Desired anti-aliasing (keep low for slow graphics cards)
  vsync        = true;   // If vertical-sync is requested (disable for older monitors)
  window       = true;   // If displayed in a window. Especially DirectX runs much faster when window = false
  cursor       = false;  // If windows cursor is shown. Allows for using on-screen keyboard for people with physical disabilities
  brightness   = 100;    // Brightness of display
  stereoscopic = false;  // Some stereoscopic displays require this to work. If you use e.g. NVidia stereoscopic mode then enable this setting
  quality      = 4;      // Overall display quality, overrides other display settings. So antialiasing = 8 and quality = 1, still sets antialiasing to 0
// Sound settings
  volume = 100; // Sound volume
// Key bindings
  command[TOGGLEMODE]    = [CONTROL];      // Key  for toggling between Move and interactive mode
  command[TOGGLEMODE2]   = [MIDDLE-MOUSE]; // Key2 for toggling between Move and interactive mode
  command[SHOWHELP]      = [F1];           // Key for showing help dialog
  command[TOGGLEOR]      = [F8];           // Key for toggling between Oculus view and normal view
  command[GOTOCITY]      = [F2];           // Key going to city overview, besides ESCAPE key
  command[SHOWSAVE]      = [F4];           // Key for showing save dialog
  command[SHOWTALK]      = [ENTER];        // Key for showing chat dialog, besides ENTER key
  command[HIDETALK]      = [ENTER];        // Key for hiding chat dialog, besides ESCAPE key
  command[MOVEFORWARD]   = [LEFT-MOUSE];   // Key for moving forward
  command[MOVEFORWARD2]  = [UP-KEY];       // Key2 for moving forward
  command[MOVEFORWARD3]  = [W];            // Key3 for moving forward
  command[MOVEBACKWARD]  = [RIGHT-MOUSE];  // Key for moving backward
  command[MOVEBACKWARD2] = [DOWN-KEY];     // Key2 for moving backward
  command[MOVEBACKWARD3] = [S];            // Key3 for moving backward
  command[MOVELEFT]      = [LEFT-KEY];     // Key for strafe left
  command[MOVELEFT2]     = [A];            // Key2 for strafe left
  command[MOVERIGHT]     = [RIGHT-KEY];    // Key for strafe right
  command[MOVERIGHT2]    = [D];            // Key2 for strafe right
  command[RUN]           = [SHIFT];        // Key for moving faster (needs to be held down)
  command[JUMP]          = [SPACE];        // Key for jumping
  command[CROUCH]        = [C];            // Key for crouch down (needs to be held down)
  command[RISE]          = [V];            // Key for rise up (needs to be held down)
  command[PENIS]         = [P];            // Key for showing and erecting penis
  command[CUM]           = [1];            // Key for ejecting cum from penis
  command[PEE]           = [2];            // Key for ejecting pee from penis
  command[FLUID1]        = [3];            // Key for ejecting fluid1 from penis
  command[FLUID2]        = [4];            // Key for ejecting fluid2 from penis
  command[FLUID3]        = [5];            // Key for ejecting fluid3 from penis
  command[FLUID4]        = [6];            // Key for ejecting fluid4 from penis
  command[FLUID5]        = [7];            // Key for ejecting fluid5 from penis
  command[FLUID6]        = [8];            // Key for ejecting fluid6 from penis
  command[FLUID7]        = [9];            // Key for ejecting fluid7 from penis
  command[FLUID8]        = [0];            // Key for ejecting fluid8 from penis
  command[CAMERAPREV]    = [Z];            // Key for switching to next camera view
  command[CAMERANEXT]    = [X];            // Key for switching to previous camera view
  command[PICKUPOBJ]     = [LEFT-MOUSE];   // Key for picking up object  (need to be in interact mode)
  command[PICKUPOBJ2]    = [E];            // Key2 for picking up object (need to be in interact mode)
  command[DROPOBJ]       = [LEFT-MOUSE-DOUBLE-CLICK]; // Key for dropping object (need to be in interact mode)
  command[DROPOBJ2]      = [E];                       // Key2 for dropping object (need to be in interact mode)
  command[USEOBJ]        = [U];            // Key for using object option A
  command[USEOBJ2]       = [I];            // Key for using object option B
  command[USEOBJ3]       = [O];            // Key for using object option C
  command[ROTATEOBJ]     = [LEFT-MOUSE];   // Key for rotating object
  command[ROTATEOBJ2]    = [RIGHT-MOUSE];  // Key2 for rotating object
  command[PUSHOBJ]       = [UP-KEY];       // Key for moving object away
  command[PULLOBJ]       = [DOWN-KEY];     // Key for moving object closer
  command[LEAVE]         = [BACKSPACE];    // Key for leaving menu, besides ESCAPE key
  command[CONTINUE]      = [ENTER];        // Key for entering menu, besides ENTER key
  command[CONTINUE2]     = [SPACE];        // Key2 for entering menu, besides ENTER key
  command[EXIT]          = [F9];           // Key for emergency exit (when someone enters your room whom you do not want to share your XStoryPlayer experience with)
  speed     = 100;   // Mouse speed
  reverse_y = false; // Reverse y direction of mouse (for flight-sim lovers)
  quality = 1.00;  // Quality of the Oculus view. Setting this higher will give extra detail in the Oculus perception. Can have impact on performance. 
  use_pos = false; // Use positional tracking with Oculus
  // Start_mode is very useful for modders. Allows to start XStoryPlayer directly in specific mode.
  // Allowed values are:
  // - NONE:   Default
  // - SPLASH: Start splash screen
  // - MAIN:   Start main menu
  // - SCENE:  Start story in last savepoint
  // - FAST:   Start fastsex in last savepoint
  // - TEST:   Start test scene that allows for cloth and animation editing
  start_mode   = NONE;
  // System debug (To toggle debug settings use CTRL+D)
  // Allowed values are:
  // - NONE:     Default
  // - BASIC:    Basic debug mode, recommended for modding
  // - WAYPOINT: Show waypoint names
  // - OBJECT:   Show object names
  // - NOPHYS:   Scene is not integrated (useful for solving physics crashes, use F6 to toggle to free camera)
  debug_sys    = BASIC;
  // Renderdebug (To toggle render settings use CTRL+R)
  // Allowed values are:
  // - NONE:           Default
  // - TESTOCC:        Show occlusion culling map
  // - TESTAMBIENTOCC: Show ambient occlusion (Toggle using CTRL+O)
  // - TESTNRD:        Show fluid normal map
  // - TESTCOLL:       Show path collision map
  // - TESTLIGHT:      Show shadow map
  // - TESTREFLECT:    Show reflect map
  // - TESTREFRACT:    Show refract map
  // - TESTCHARCOLOR:  Show character fluid map
  // - TESTWATER:      Show water displacement map
  debug_render = NONE;
  // Not used
  debug_phys   = NONE;
  // Enable to see all brain events in 'trace.txt' file, requirement for modding
  debug_brain  = ENABLED;
  // The gui pack file
  pack0        = "pack/pack0.bin";
  // Alternative pack path, set this path to shared files
  // Useful while developing and not having to have same file included in every pack
  pack2        = "";
  // Key used for encryption of save files
  // add it to use non-encryted save files
  // save_key     = "";
// These defines are global for all story and fastsex code
// Need to be added to settings menu in future as well
#define VIDEO_PATH "video" // Video path that is used
#define FAST_NAME "master" // Used in fastsex scenes to identify player. Replace with your name for more personal experience.