Installing template character

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In this tutorial you will learn how to load and create the 'Template character'.


  1. Re-download the 'Beta patch' using the Account manager and re-install it. Do this even if the version is the same.
    (If you already have downloaded the 'Beta patch', delete it first in order to re-download it)
  2. Download the latest version of the 'Tutorial resource pack'.
    In the '3. Advanced Modding / 1. Creating character' directory you will see the following files:
    • pack_character: This directory contains the 'Template character'.
    • testini: This directory contains the files that you can use for the Test mode.
  3. Copy the pack_character directory to your ./pack directory.
    Copy the testini files to your ./testini directory.
  4. Use the Filemaker to convert the 'Template character' to the game .obj files. Use e.g. this start.ini sample script:
    #define SOURCES  "../pack/pack_character/sources/"
    #define RUNTIME  "../pack/pack_character/"
    maya_auto_copy     = COPY_DIR;
    maya_auto_compress = COLOR;
    Maya scene
      src_path = "[SOURCES]";
      run_path = "[RUNTIME]";
      in_file  = "[SOURCES]scenes/char_template/";
    Compgen compress0 {compress = true;}
  5. If the conversion went well you should see the a characterShape.obj in the ./pack/pack_character/scenes/char_template directory.
    Also the textures should be compressed an added to the ./pack/pack_character/scenes/textures directory.
  6. To test the converted 'Template character' use the following settings in the settings.ini file.
      start_mode   = TEST;
      debug_sys    = BASIC;
      debug_render = NONE;
      debug_phys   = NONE;
      debug_brain  = ENABLED;
      // Use this directory as second pack directory
      // (The pack_test.bin is used as primary pack)
      pack2        = "pack/pack_character";
      save_key     = "";
    // Run this file in test mode
    #define TEST_RUN "run_char.ini"

    Best is to create a new 'settings_char.ini' and create a new XStoryPlayer64.exe shortcut with -settings "settings_char.ini" as startup parameter.
    Also see Creating_cloth point 5. on how to do this.

  7. Because we use #define TEST_RUN "run_char.ini" the script './testini/run_char.ini' is used when running in test mode.
  8. Take a look at the ./testini/run_char.ini file. It uses mode = CHAR so we can test the character.
    When we used it for cloth state creation, it was set to CLOTH.
    As you will see in later tutorials it can also be set to BVH, in order to create/convert animations files.
  9. Now start XStoryPlayer using your shortcut to run in test mode. You should see the template character.
    You can pull the arms to move it. It uses basic behavior for movements (not a brain).
    Character test1.jpg
  10. Start Maya and set your project to the ./pack/pack_character directory. This will ensure your texture paths are correct.
  11. Now open the ./pack/pack_character/sources/scenes/char_template/ in Maya. It contains the rigged template character model.
    Also checkout the body.ini file to take a look at the settings used for the character. There are a lot of settings, and we will cover most of them in the following tutorials.
    Template character1.jpg
  12. It maybe seemed like a quite lot of work installing and testing the template character. But now that all files are in place, the work-flow for editing and testing is very easy.
    Because we will be deriving a new model from the template character in the next tutorials, we will be slowly changing parts of the template character, until we have completed the new character.
    In order to test every step along the way it is important that you have a good comprehension of this tutorial.
    Your workflow for the next tutorial will be:
    • Change and save file in Maya.
    • Run filemaker to convert to game format.
    • Test character in test mode.
    • Continue with first step.